FR - 195 Belt Nut Roasting Machine is our machine with a roasting capacity of 100 kg per hour. It is a nut roasting oven working with a double-stage burner designed for small and medium-sized industries. In the FR-195 belted nut roasting oven, there are two roasting rooms, a rest room and a cooling room. Air circulation fans are used in the FR - 195 roasting oven to roast the nuts homogeneously, with a dehumidification fan to remove excess moisture during the roasting process. synchronous operation is provided. In order for the roasted nuts to become suitable for packaging quickly, a resting and cooling room has been added to our machine, and the temperatures of the roasted nuts have been reduced to the ambient temperature. Burners working with LPG, Natural Gas and Diesel fuels are preferred in the heating system of the nut roasting machine. Heating can also be provided with electrical energy by using optional resistance heaters. In our machines, the combustion chamber and the nut heating chamber are produced in complete isolation from each other. Thanks to the developed automation system, you can control all of your machine through the touch panel, create recipes for the products and record the roasting settings specific to your business and ensure its continuity. Our control system, which offers integration opportunities for your industrial enterprises, works in harmony with security and central control systems.