FR-175+ Belt Nut Roasting Machine is a small scale industrial palletized nut roasting oven designed with small shops and R&D units in mind. Our machine, which has the ability to roast two different products at the same time with different temperatures and different belt speeds, can only be produced by our company. Our machine, which has two independent roasting chambers, does not mix the smells of the roasted products. Thanks to its aesthetic and impressive design in terms of appearance, it provides great convenience for manufacturers to exhibit their products to be processed in showrooms. Since the FR-175+ is an electric model, it does not emit harmful fumes and is suitable for use in small shops. Despite its small size, FR-175+ belted nut roasting oven allows you to control all of your machine via the touch panel thanks to the developed automation system. It has an emergency stop button to quickly terminate the operation of the roaster in a critical situation. Thanks to the wheels of the FR-175+ electric nut baking machine, you can easily move it and move it.